(If nothing else, it's a solid gift list for any young girl in your life you want to see thrive.)
"There's no handbook for this, Natalie!" my mother snaps back after I question her undeniably wise advice.
Before you read this, I want to admit that my mom and I fight. She is my God, but stories of mere mortals questioning gods are how heroes are born, and Mom let me watch a lot of those movies.
Motherhood is an extraordinary journey that requires immense dedication and hard work.
I don't know firsthand, but as a daughter of an exceptional mom, I have been fortunate to witness the transformative power of a mother's love and support in fostering creativity in little girls.
Below, I will present seven considerations for empowering creativity in young girls, drawing from my own experiences and the invaluable lessons I have learned from my remarkable mom. By sharing these insights, I aim to celebrate the hard work and dedication of mothers while providing practical guidance on nurturing the creative spirit in little girls.
FYI - You don't have to be a mom to gift the below suggestions to a girl or young lady near you!
1. Create a Creative Environment:
A nurturing environment is essential for fostering creativity in little girls. My mom understood this and actively created a space where imagination thrived. My room was my canvas (to a reasonable extent). By dedicating an area filled with colors, books, musical instruments, and art supplies, she provided the tools for me to explore my creativity freely.
Example: If I was interested in it, I got it. That was the drill. "Mom, I like polka dots!". Two days later, I would be handed books on polka dots, how to draw them, who invented them, how to sell them, and where other polka dot lovers hung out. She'd bring me to see a movie on polka dots, see a famous polka dot maker in action, and sign me up for college classes 3 States over just for a trip on top of polka dot discovery. She had the 411 on any interest I could find, so now I know ALOT, and I'm never afraid to try anything.
Decorating my room allowed me to express myself. It was my domain and whenever I wanted to change it my mom was down. She also gave me a lot of crafts to help me decorate it. I got to personalize things and hang them proudly. This made me feel extra safe in my room, and I always wanted to keep it semi-clean, lol. Laundry, am I right?
Here are a couple of wall collages that can help get things started. Remember: You don't have to like the decorations; they just have to be done in a way that teaches cleanliness and safety. Hang things correctly for a tool lesson, discuss where to put stickers before placement or use scotch tape to place stickers lightly for view tests, paint together. There are plenty of awesome discussions that can be had. Feeling like I had control of my room was huge to me growing up, and I definitely made some mistakes. I never need a bright red bedroom again (inside joke for Mom).

My mom knew that part of the crafts was participating in the making. The crafts came out better, and I remember watching her concentrate super hard on creating silly little things. My clown career phase makes a lot more sense now.
Here is something cool I wish I had made with my mom back in the day.

But with us, it was the cement hand stepping stone things...which I cannot find on Amazon, but I did find this! My mom had so many craft books lying around I know it kept me quiet most days and now I see the potential to make things out of nothing like gum wrappers and drinking straws! I don't know if that's a good thing or just the entertainment of being crazy.

And no one is going to complain if you get them this. Fantastic Artwork for walls!

Personalization is huge. I love my name and I had a sign personalized at Disney! I know, lucky... but this would be something I'd get if I didn't have that. I loved the accent lights in my room. I think they make these in rainbow options too.

Speaking of accent lighting, I don't think glow in the dark ever goes out of style does it?!

Usually, I am not about little trinkets; I'm a minimalist, but how cool is this?! Here are some fun luxuries for young women to decorate their rooms or themselves, and it comes with little tasks that go with each. I must stress that gifts cannot replace good old-fashioned unconditional love, but they go great with it too!

I used to have a boom box. I didn't even care about a TV. Now that we are in 2023 you only need a speaker, but you should think about paring a light with it too that can bring different moods to your room. We've come a long way from a Panasonic stereo and a lava lamp my friends!

My Mom and Partner recently teamed up and got me a digital picture frame. What a game-changer! My mom always has a few on at her house. I could watch pictures of my life all day, and I've discovered my inner photographer! I'm proud of my pictures and the loved ones I have in them, and that frame reminds me every day. It's a conversation piece that never fails. Make sure to put those baby photos in there too!

2. Encourage Exploration:
Encouraging exploration is critical to unlocking a child's creative potential. My mom embraced this wholeheartedly, exposing me to various experiences and activities that sparked my curiosity and ignited my passion for creativity. Even if you may not like it, give it a chance!
Example: I have so many examples of this. I'll choose this one. At age 15 I came home from school and told my mom I was going to play bass in a local rock band with a bunch of 20-year-old guys in dive bars. I was too young to play in bars by myself so my 50-year-old mother spent her early 50's touring the local dive bar scene to protect me. Who does that?! Honestly. I can't tell you how much trouble being in that band kept me out of. I kept myself focused. It was a job. I don't drink because I know how stupid it makes people. I'd rather be a designated driver. Humble brag, my mom later sent me to Victor Wooten's nature bass camp. Like, stop already, please. Don't stop, though.
Girls like bugs too! Trust my longest bestest friend and me when I say this... Bug catching is life. All of these things got fair use by myself and my friends. It's a great way to get curious about things. I remember catching my first grasshopper!

These are good to have for emergencies, and I had a blast with them as a kid, even if it was just my brother down the hall. Advanced level: train kids to keep them charged! lol.

Slime is exploratory, and all kids love slime from Nickelodeon to now. It's not a fad; it's a lifestyle. You can never have too much, and making it introduces science in a fun way.

Everyone should have one of these. I could have been the coolest kid in school... instead of the second, of course.

Everyone should play the bass, honestly. This is a good beginner setup. As a former Guitar Center employee, I'm not entirely disappointed by it. Bass is relatively easy to start playing and get going and it's SUPER relaxing (to me anyway). Fender is a great brand all around for all instruments and all levels. Other great brands when it comes to that is YAMAHA,

If your young lady isn't digging the bass, you play it. Maybe she can accompany you with this beautiful ukulele. I trust KOA. They are a great starter brand without sounding cheap and this pack comes with everything you need to get started. My favorite.

My globe got me interested in traveling. I'm still terrible at geography, though... Check out how futuristic these globes are now! I had something similar with fun facts.

3. Embrace the Power of Storytelling:
Storytelling is a powerful tool for nurturing creativity. My mom recognized its importance and made storytelling a cherished part of our daily routine. Through bedtime stories, playful voices, puppets, and encouraging me to create my own tales, she sparked my imagination and fostered a love for storytelling.
Example: Every night, my mom would weave enchanting stories, using different voices, puppets, and characters with such emotion. These stories not only entertained me but also inspired me to create my own narratives, developing my storytelling skills. Some of my favorites that I live by (my Bibles): Dr. Suess, Shel Silverstein, Roald Dahl, Harry Potter, Sesame Street, Mother Goose, Poppy Seed, George and Martha, The Substitute Teacher, Goodnight Moon, and anything interactive was amazing. Another massive attribute of my love of books and reading was the weekly trips to the library and its book program. They later hosted computer classes, and my mom signed me up. My first time online! (and playing fatboy, "I'd like another cookie please!", lol)

Don't forget your hand puppet!

4. Provide Open-Ended Toys and Materials:
Open-ended toys and materials are invaluable for fostering creativity and problem-solving skills. My mom ensured I had access to various toys that allowed me to explore and create without limitations.
Example: I had a collection of open-ended toys such as K'nex, Legos, and craft supplies. These toys encouraged me to think critically, experiment, and bring my ideas to life through building, designing, and crafting. When computers became crack to children, she snuck in so many games with math, reading, and typing I had no idea I was learning. As I'm typing this, I realize she tricked me! Also, there was no gender limit on the toys I could ask for, thank god. The little boy's section in Toys R Us had ALL the cool toys AND the video game section! Not cool, Jeffrey.

Here is a toy great for any kid and makes for a great science experiment

5. Support Risk-Taking and Failure:
Supporting risk-taking and embracing failure as part of the learning process is crucial for nurturing creativity. My mom encouraged me to take risks, learn from mistakes, and view failures as stepping stones toward growth and improvement.
Example: When I wanted to try a new instrument, my mom encouraged me to take lessons even though I was unsure of my abilities. When I stumbled or faced setbacks, she reminded me that it was part of the journey and encouraged me to persevere. Disappointing her came with consequences, and they were always carried out. Good ol' accountability lesson that I despised only in the moment.

6. Be a Role Model:
As a mother, being a role model is vital in nurturing creativity in little girls. My mom led by example, demonstrating her own creativity and passion for learning, inspiring me to do the same.
Example: This woman needs to calm down. At the age of 33, I'm wondering if I'll ever be as great as her. Her pep talks say yes, but my heart tells me that perhaps I'm not meant to be as great as her in the same way. I have another parent too, and that's a whole other entry of influence. I'm starting to realize I have to be my own greatness, but the only reason I came up with that is because my mom told me that was it. Fortunately, she's always right! I have other role models yes, but momma dukes is my executive advisor and example. She said I teach her things too. I think that's real mentorship.
I can remember most of my mom's lectures because I just loved listening to her in general, even when I didn't. I still need her opinions even though I know what she is going to say. Sometimes even the best families can't think of what to talk about, but even the most random conversations become meaningful in time. Here are a few conversation prompts for families to get the ball rolling.

Filling out a story workbook about your mom's life story and observing her as a mentor can be a significant and enriching experience. It provides an opportunity to connect with your mom deeply, gaining a deeper understanding of her life, experiences, and wisdom. By documenting her story, you not only preserve her legacy but also uncover valuable insights that can guide and inspire you. Observing her as a mentor allows you to witness firsthand her strengths, resilience, and life lessons, providing a source of inspiration and guidance for your own journey. It is a powerful way to honor and appreciate your mom, strengthening your bond and creating lasting memories that will be treasured for generations to come.
There are so many of these books, and you need to pick one and do one while you can. These prompts will naturally reveal questions available to get to know people and enhance interpersonal skills like interviewing and active listening.

Teaching your daughter about entrepreneurship, even if it isn't your own career path, is of utmost importance. By introducing her to the principles of entrepreneurship, you empower her with valuable skills and mindsets that can benefit her in various aspects of life. Entrepreneurship fosters creativity, problem-solving, resilience, and a proactive mindset. It encourages critical thinking, adaptability, and a willingness to take risks. Regardless of whether she pursues a career as an entrepreneur or not, these skills and attitudes can help her thrive in any field or endeavor she chooses. Teaching her about entrepreneurship equips her with the tools to navigate an ever-changing world, seize opportunities, and create her own path to success, instilling in her a sense of independence and self-belief that will positively impact her future.
Lemonade stands aren't the only hustle these days. Here are some ideas!

Teaching your daughter about career planning, even if it isn't your own life path, is of great importance. By providing guidance and insights into the world of career exploration, you empower your daughter to make informed decisions about her future. It allows her to explore various options, discover her passions, and develop the necessary skills and mindset for success. Even if your own career path differs, sharing knowledge and resources fosters a sense of independence and prepares her to navigate the professional world. By equipping her with this understanding, you open doors to endless possibilities and help her build a solid foundation for a fulfilling and rewarding career.

Teaching your daughter about money is crucial, regardless of your own upbringing or financial background. Even if you didn't grow up with a strong sense of financial literacy, working through a book together can be a transformative experience for both of you. It provides an opportunity to learn and grow together, gaining valuable insights and practical knowledge about budgeting, saving, investing, and making informed financial decisions. By engaging in this process, you empower your daughter with the tools she needs to navigate her financial future successfully. Additionally, as you both learn and practice these skills, you can improve your own financial well-being, fostering a healthier and more prosperous life for both of you.

7. Sports:
Participating in sports offers a unique avenue for fostering creativity in young girls. Sports teach teamwork, discipline, goal-setting, and resilience, empowering girls both physically and mentally.
Example: Through softball, volleyball, random activities, field days, fantastic gym teachers, and karate, I learned the values of teamwork, discipline, self-defense, and resilience. These sports allowed me to explore my physical capabilities while developing essential life skills. Side note: My friends who didn't do sports when they were younger are all pretty big now. No offense, people! You're beautiful. But yea, you know what I mean. You don't have to sign up for sports at first to have an active lifestyle. There are plenty of toys that promote movement at much earlier ages and these are some of my favorites...
My brother and I lived for goals and protecting them from each other, so I have to recommend the following, especially to siblings close in age. Makes for a healthy fight.

These are awesome to play with! Did you know that juggling can have a positive impact on the brain? Studies have shown that juggling actually increases the gray matter in the brain, specifically in areas associated with motor skills, visual processing, and memory. The act of juggling requires coordination, concentration, and the ability to track multiple objects simultaneously. As a result, it stimulates neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to reorganize and form new neural connections. So, the next time you pick up some juggling balls, know that you're not only having fun but also giving your brain a healthy workout!

These are conversation pieces. You must look up Z Sticks on Youtube to truly appreciate their beauty. Great for family gatherings and hippy fests.

Frisbees are for hippies who are bad at hackie sacks. Learning to throw a frisbee was actually really hard for me but you have your whole life, and it's really satisfying if you learn to throw one of these. Trust me. Great for dog parks too. (Even if you don't have a dog)

The Disney movie Brave and the new Hawk Eye series have the ladies getting into archery left and right. I was always a fan and was lucky enough to have gym teachers show us a thing or two about shooting an arrow.

This was my youthful exercise routine after vegging out at the movie theater. Now you can have one in your house!

These are stupid, but I wanted to put them here because I played with them way more than I should. They just aren't efficient, only nostalgic. A softball glove and a ball would probably be better.

So I'm not good at these but the light up ones are fun even if you cant jump rope. Jumping rope is a beneficial activity for kids as it improves cardiovascular fitness, coordination, and motor skills. It strengthens bones and muscles, enhances mental focus, and promotes social interaction. Jumping rope is versatile, accessible, and encourages a healthy lifestyle. By engaging in this fun and energetic exercise, children can develop their physical and mental abilities while enjoying an activity that can be done anywhere.

I can't really jump rope, so I put my preference for an exercise machine below. SKIP iT! And the very best thing of all? There's a counter on this ball! Love that song.

This will keep your kid calfs swoll, lol. The first means of transportation. Every kid is going to get a bike, I know. But let me say this. A bike for a girl doesn't have to sparkle like the sun and make more noise than flowers drawn on the frame. Things you buy girls don't have the SCREAM girl. It's weird, honestly, unless it's the preference of the gift receiver. Look at this bike below. It's got pink and purple. But it's also sleek and cool. See what I'm saying?

By embracing these practices, mothers can cultivate an environment where their daughters' creativity can flourish, paving the way for a future generation of empowered and confident women ready to make their mark on the world.
WARNING: Following the advice in this column might give you a daughter like me.
I may not be perfect, but I embrace life with love and gratitude. I am fortunate to have many people who love and care for me, and most importantly, I have learned to love and accept myself. Loving oneself can often be the most challenging task, but it is a journey I have embarked upon and continue to navigate with compassion and resilience. Embracing self-love has allowed me to grow, appreciate my strengths, and work on my imperfections with kindness and understanding.
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